"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I went to bed with a message from the Holy Spirit last night.

So yesterday I woke up with God speaking to me and went to bed with Him still speaking to me. Here is what I mean:

Yesterday morning I posted about my devotion, remember? Well, I also forwarded it to my friend Kristen in an email with a similar explanation as on the blog post. Well last night as I was shutting down the computer before bed, I got an email from Debbie Griffith--

God IS working! Praise Him for He is always good! I pray for His grace and strength in you for you to do what you need to do! Nothing is impossible with Him! The enemy will try anything to break apart unity. But greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 Praise His Name! AMEN

I had apparently replied to the email instead of forwarding it to Kristen. I was trembling. I felt God's hand on my back, supporting me and encouraging me. There are no words to describe the feeling I get when God is so bold in moving in my life. I went to bed with the Spirit singing inside me. Songs of praise and adoration, an overwhelming sense of peace-- the kind that is not understandable or explainable...

I felt a connection with my Holy Father in such a way that is so real and undeniable; I can't believe I waited so long in my life to get to know Him like this. I wanted to write here that I wish I had gotten to know Him earlier in life, but then I appreciated that getting to know Him isn't instantaneous. It takes time together just like any other well developed relationship. Being Baptized and accepting Jesus as Lord of my life wasn't the pinnacle of my walk with God, but the gate to the uphill road. It is quite a hike to get to Zion and He IS there pulling me up the hill when the terrain gets too steep. Along the hike I am learning to know Him-- just like I am learning to know my Hubby more everyday. I had to test the waters of my Father's love just like all teens do to their parents-- and young children for that matter. I have finally grown to what feels like an adult-child and parent relationship with God. One where I can relate to Him as a Father, a Friend, a Shoulder to Cry On, a Confidant, a King, a Counselor, an Advocate, a Support Group, an Advisor... Everything I could say about my own mother or father except with no human flaws and all the power to make the universe with His bare hands and no supplies.

My Heavenly Father knows my heart and chooses to live there despite the fact that the community in which He is moving into is, well, to say the least the wrong side of the tracks compared to His home in Heaven. I must say that if He is so alive and living in my shack of a heart then I know there is nowhere too tacky for Him. I can only imagine how much He desires this kind of relationship with His entire masterpiece when I desire it for them as much as I do. I now understand what it means to have Godly jealously for someone (2 Corinthians 11). I am thoroughly jealous for everyone to know God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as I am learning to. The way He wants us to know Him. It seems this is one thing I can't share enough.

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