The Lord is moving in our country. I just know He is. For He never sleeps and has a plan that must come to completion before He can return for us. His plan will not be stopped by man. We can not push Him so far out of our lives that He will forget us altogether. He loves us too much. We may forget Him, but He will not forsake us. You know (this is a little off subject, but relevant to my last statement there.) The other day I was listening to Mark on my Ipod, and hearing the words of Jesus spoken in a dramatized way-- like listening to Jesus speak those "red letter" words was so powerful. When He was on the cross and cried out-- His torture was not the pain He was certainly feeling, it was God turning away from Him. HE said, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me." Just hearing this made me realize just how horrible a life without God will be for those who do not walk hand in hand with our Savior. The pain of a burning sulfuric lake for eternity is nothing compared to having God turn away from you.
Anyhow back to my point. God is moving here. I know He is moving in major ways in my life. Do you remember my post from a while back. This one. The fourth paragraph down where I tell a brief scenario of a lady who prophesied at our Bible study. Well, what she said was that God was going to change our finances in a major way. I am slowly realizing major to God is not what we would ever consider. For with this prophesy I have been waiting on His promise and expecting a major promotion for Ernie, or an enormous salary increase... I did not know it was a change of heart and faith he was talking about and a life filled with provision and purpose. Think about the missionaries who are doctors or pilots or engineers... as they were going through their training for well to do jobs and high salaried jobs, do you think their first thoughts of God's major plans for them was that they would be living as missionaries making just enough to live with no luxuries, giving all of their training and wealth potential to serve Christ? I doubt it. I am starting to realize that even when He speaks to us in our human language, He is still Maker and Creator of all things and lives in the spiritual realm and so refers to eternity more often that the blink of an eye here on earth. His "major", I believe, refers to the treasure store in heaven-- even though there must be major paradigm shift for me or any of us to change our perception and purpose which is mostly focused on our earthly pleasures and comfort. It takes major remodeling of the heart for a person to turn their undivided attention away from themselves and focus on others in complete love and sincerity.
I think this is the season of my life currently. I think God is working on turning my attention from earth toward Him. I think He is miraculously answering my prayers of desire to do for others and be more generous almost immediately. He is offering an extra helping of hope in making my radical dreams become reality because my dreams are radically and whole heartedly bent toward serving Him and spreading the Gospel of Christ to all nations. I can't wait to see what God is planning and share His plans with you. I pray that you will become close to the Holy Spirit and know that no prayer will go unanswered if it is God's will. So pray God's will for your life, and watch the answered prayers roll in in droves. You will be overwhelmed by a relentless God. (This is the subtitle to Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and I completely know the feeling of what that phrase means.) In case you are not sure what His will is for your life... just pray, He will show you and put all of His desires in your heart. This is His promise so hold Him to it. He will not forsake you.
I will share with you my memory verse for today. Micah 6: 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Now go read the rest of Micah chapter 6. As you read it place us as God's people instead of Israel and make this Word from God relevant to your life. For you know what is good, just and humble. Jesus was the perfect example. Go back and reread what He taught (in the NT books of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and assume the role of His disciple. Lay your treasures down at His feet and humbly follow Him. I dare you! I dare myself!
Friday, January 21, 2011
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