"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanksgiving journey day 3

Need I say more? Their eyes, their smiles, their hearts, their love, their antics, their optimism, their dependence, their sincerity, their passion, their abandon, their spirit, their imagination, their character, their kisses, their cuddles, their highs, their lows, their whispers, their yelps, their songs, their devotion, their fascinations, their dirty hands, their bare feet, their curiosity, they are what I give thanks for today and every day-- my precious, precocious, pretty, predictable, pretenders.

My oldest, my brilliant star, my little lady, my baby who loves with every inch of her heart is about to turn 5 in 10 days—my elegant, fruitful, blushing beauty as her name means. Her name fits her personality as if God named her. She has an eye for detail, a heart for organization, acts like a lady (most of the time), is diligent, passionate and loves Jesus with all her heart. She is my sweet “baby girl”, my sunshine on a rainy day.

My youngest, my sweet little loveable baby, my tiny girl full of love and life bigger than herself, is going to turn 3 next month. My Christmas princess as her name means was my gift at Christmas in 2004. She is a princess at the same time she is a puddle jumper, a misfit, a frolic… she would love to put on a pretty dress and then go sit in the nearest mud puddle. She has been known (like every Sunday morning) to find an earthworm (or any bug she might come across) and want to take it to church. That’s my “Turkey”, my ham, my gem.

My quiver is full. My children are my blessing from God. I am so thankful for my angels.



  1. I'm looking at the picture of the two little girls in what looks like a closet with a latch. Do you lock the girls in a cabinet or closet. This is a disturbing photograph.

  2. No, absolutely I would never do that. This is on one of the the replica ships at Jamestown. This was the crews cabins. Can you imagine sleeping in such quarters for 4 long months? My girls got quite the experience being alowed by the reenactors to sit on that bunk. I am glad you asked and brought this to my attention. I would hate for someone else to think that and just believe it without asking!

    BTW if you have never been to Jamestown settlement in Virginia, where some of the first settlers landed and barely survived, I would highly recommend it.


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