"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Friday, February 5, 2010

Busy like a Terminator

I have a couple of minutes here so I'll let you know what is going on. We have been very busy this week. We have started a new Olympic unit in school, we have rejoined the Hands on Museum and made a trip there, we have had meetings to go to for AHG dad daughter date night and wedding cake planning meetings (I say "we" as if I have a mouse in my pocket on some of these), Library trips for our upcoming Amelia Earhart unit, done our taxes, planning our reflooring of the kitchen and searching for the cheapest stainless steele floor tile I can find (so far the best I have found is a $15 per tile-- glad I only need 8)... I have just been preoccupied-- so much so that I have not had time to think let alone blog about my thoughts. So as I get up now to prepare for Olivia's group violin lesson today, I say to you, "I'll be back", in my most Terminator voice.

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