"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jesus lives-- the BEST reason to celebrate!

On day Jesus cam in ridin on a doqi. Sum pipl cam and took Jesus and cild Jesus and put Jesus in a tom. 3 das Jesus was alive.

Happy Easter from Olivia!

How is that for the most beautiful, phonetically written story of life?

This morning, right as I was about to "wake" Olivia for church, she came out of her room wishing everyone a Happy Easter. Of course half of what she said was going in one ear and out the other (the child talks NON STOP!!!) but after she repeated that she had "written the Easter story" over and over and wasn't taking the absent, "Oh, uh huh" for an acceptable response, I stopped what I was doing and listened. That is when she explained that as soon as she woke up, she got out of bed, opened her desk (the antique secretary folding front), and wrote the Easter story so that we would all remember that Easter was not about bunnies and candy. Then she ran to her room and brought me this neatly folded paper with the Easter story written on it. I have copied it above exactly as she wrote it (good luck-- I hope you read phonics).

Today as we celebrated we of course went to church, but after church we went to the local nursing home and passed out picture posters about Easter to the residents for them to hang in their room. Olivia and the other AHG girls in my unit made the pictures, but we were the only ones able to go. Olivia and Sarah enjoyed meeting new friends and wishing everyone a Happy Easter. Heehaw; wait till you get a load of this story about the nursing home trip.

This sweet little lady got up out of her chair and beckoned Ernie to her room. He followed and we all were right behind them (to meet her roommate??) When she got to the room she told Ernie not to tell and she lay down on her bed and told him to lay like her. Ernie just started backing out of the room and I stood there telling her roomies Happy Easter. I was oblivious to the fact that this 90 some odd year old woman had just come on to my husband with me right in the room. Ha!! I think this is the funniest thing EVER!!!!! Ha!!! I can't stop laughing at the thought of it.

We also celebrated with a fancy lunch (ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, and ambrosia salad on my china. We took a walk in the field and played outside for most of the day. I hope you enjoy my pictures.

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