"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little lessons everyday.

I have just started a read the Bible through in 90 days program online. I read the Bible from cover to cover just about a year and a half ago for the first time in my life. That is sad; I grew up in the church and have been a believing Christian for most of my life. I knew the Bible as stories and verses and sections, but never could I have imagined It's beautiful life! I have loved to read all my life, but never had I read a book that was living. I had heard this as a description of the Bible before, but never thought it was more that just some random description. Anyhow... to say the least, It changed my life. I came to know God/Jesus in such a way I had never known them before. I guess it is like meeting someone you've heard about (enough to feel as if you already knew them) all your life for the first time. So now, I want to do it again. I am reading the Message this time. I've read 5 days of the reading now, and it is addictive! I find myself craving it. I LOVE THIS FEELING! There is nothing better than craving the Word of God!

Now, as much as I learn from the Bible, I must say that God uses my two girls to teach me as much if not more than I've learned in the Bible. It is funny! I find myself telling my girls things I have heard God say to me... like "why can't you just obey me the first time?"; "I'm the boss and I do this because I love you"; "Will you just stop for a minute and be still!"... It makes more sense to me now as a mom - the relationship between God and me as His daughter.

Anyhow... my prayers for today are the same as yesterday. I also have a private request that God knows about and to this request I've received a glimpse of how He will provide today in the mail. Thank you Lord for hearing me and reading my blog!

Oh yeah... Go Danny, Chris and Adam on American Idol!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Thanks for the comment on my blog too. I think the same things about my girls. "This is the best.. why aren't they doing it?" He uses our kids for sure!!!


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