"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Friday, July 10, 2009

Prayer for the day

Lord, right now, first thing this morning, I am giving you this day. We will be home all day with nothing special going on and I would like to glorify you through our daily grind. Be the focus of my every breath and action. Don't let Satan weasel his way in and cause us turmoil; he has a tendency to do that here at our house. I've tried to teach the girls that You have given us power over Satan and that if need be we can "squash him like a bug." The girls love this thought. We do a lot of squashing especially when we are tempted to fight and yell. Help me Lord to remember this instead of just giving into the temptation and yelling; we CAN shoo him away. I have forgotten this in the past few days. We have had a few rotten ones, because I have forgotten the power You have given me. The power of the Holy Spirit. My human momness has taken charge instead and tends to if I don't come to You face to the floor in total submission to Your will. It's been a while since I have done this and this morning I come to You in this way. Hear my prayer and bless our day.

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