"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Monday, September 28, 2009

A stale day to rejoice in...

Today, I think that I need some inspiration, motivation... I don't know... I guess I just need to remind myself that this is the day that the Lord has made. My human me feels all ugh and annoyed with the mundanes of Monday. It is raining, again; I have a pile of laundry, again; I have to mow the grass, again; I have to re-clean the house, again; I DON'T HAVE TO COOK THOUGH!!!!!!, (I guess there is one good thing)... On days like this, all I can do is give it to the Lord. The Holy Spirit inside tells me to get up and do it for His glory and I will feel better. Oh the struggle of flesh and spirit... How can doing mundane tasks make me feel better? I guess it is not the task, but that I am giving God the glory of my job accomplishment (for it certainly isn't me that got me out of bed this morning). I can rest assured that my mundane job matters because it is one assigned to me by God. I am to take care of my family, and even though it may seem under appreciated or unnoticed it is vital to the success of our little life. I can only imagine what life would be like for my family without me-- I am important. I am to teach my daughters, and even though this may seem fruitless at times (at least with the Turkey), I know it is making an impression (just listening to her vocabulary at 2 tells me this, and watching how she loves other people shows me she is learning compassion). I am to remember that God's love endures forever. He is with me even on days such as today. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I read Psalm 118 to remind myself why I am to rejoice in today. It is so full of references to Jesus and long before Jesus came. Jesus was there with David, and He is here with me... so I am up to bring Him glory and do my job with a smile and give my success to Him as praise and glory.

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