"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The flu hits our home

Tuesday night Ollie started complaining at about 10:30 of a stomach ache. I racked my brain to try to think of where she could have consumed dairy (she is allergic and it was very reminiscent of her allergy although she said it hurt differently). Anyhow, by midnight she had vomited, had a fever of 102.1, arms and legs were hurting, a pretty bad cough, and she was so dizzy (wobbly as she put it) that I had to hold her steady. Since then she has developed stopped up and painful ear aches, headaches, and she says, "I just feel awful inside". I called the Dr. and she said it sounded like the flu. She is at the moment on a makeshift bed on the couch and is watching Bambi between moans-- it is quite pitiful.

Lord, put Your angels of protection around all those we have been in contact with prior to her developing symptoms and our family. Give her the strength to withstand this nasty virus if it is not in Your will to destroy it. I know it is in Your power to do so. Bless our home.

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