"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanksgiving journey day 10

The first time I met Rebecca was when I introduced myself to her and her husband and asked her husband if he would take me as a new patient (he is an internist and I was in sore need of a real doctor-- not a walk in clinic.) It was only a few weeks after we had started attending our church, and I at the time was suffering from kidney stones and a very painful back problem. Since then I have really gotten to know them and we have a lot in common. She has a son the same age as Ollie and daughter the same age as the Turkey and a baby girl almost a year old. She is a stay at home mom and is homeschooling her kids in keeping with the way her husband was homeschooled. (Yes, my doctor was homeschooled!) I love being able to compare my day with hers and having a friend who experiences the same things I do. It is nice to know that you aren't the only one floating in the same river of life. Our kids take violin together, play together, and go on fieldtrips together... Our husbands do fun things like hunt beavers together... I am truly thankful for a friend like Rebecca. We have laughed together at ourselves in our own weaknesses and are able to keep each other encouraged in trying to overcome them. We compare notes on teaching, parenting, wifing (not a word, but I like it)... anyhow she is a good friend and a blessing to me and our family. Her whole family is, mother and father in law as well! They are constant encouragers for us both as we defend our decisions and proceed to become the mothers/ teachers God wants us to be.

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