"If you don't see the real me, you won't see what love has won..." Vota

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tile day 3

I think they started at about 7 am and finished at about 7pm. The tile is all laid and tomorrow Ernie and Poppy will be grouting while the girls and I are at church. I really, REALLY want to get the house back into as much order as possible before Benjamin comes Monday.

Benjamin is the baby I am going to be keeping for a friend of mine while she is working every Monday  and for a month or so Tuesdays as well. I am stoked!!!

Ernie laid the tile and placed orders for the "saw man"-- Poppy. He ran the saw all day. I did have a pattern which required a LOT of cut tiles. :(

The girls were left to entertain themselves. Makeup is a BIG hit. Check out Sarah's makeover. Also Olivia makes a good pony ride. And yes, Sarah is pantsless. She prefers to be without them most of the time and since she was left to her own devices... I think she lost her pants at about 10am.


  1. So happy for you and I wish I could be there to see it in person, but it looks great. I wish I could have been there to help you out and to cut down on your stress and let the kids play that would have been fun. Too bad.
    Love ya, R


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